Ch 5 Stars

Using the "stars.bmp" as the background and the "spaceship.jpg" or "ship.jpg" images located in the Chapter 5 folder, create a simple program that allows the spaceship to move on the screen using all four arrow keys (keydown).  The image will loop around from all 4 sides.  The program will run until you hit the END key.

You will need a type.  Name the type ship.  This type will allow you to use the x and y coordinates for drawing the image.

Use FUNCTIONS for movement and for text display.

Make your ship image transparent.

Show the x and y coordinates of the spaceship in a text line

Add a 2nd image that moves with other keys (you may find one online)

Modify the code to incorporate random lines and colors of the lines


*The 2nd object should not "wrap" around.  It will stop when it hits any of the 4 edges.

*Display the coordinates for the 2nd object.  Change the text color of these lines.