Dollars to Francs conversion

1.     Create a form that allows the user to enter in a dollar amount to be converted to the equal amount of francs.

2.     The form will consist of 1 textbox, 3 labels, and 2 buttons.

3.     The Text should be as follows:

a.     button1 = CALCULATE or CONVERT

b.     button2 = CLEAR

c.      Form = DOLLARS TO FRANCS

4.     Clear out the text properties where applicable.

5.     Name all controls with the three letter prefix and an appropriate descriptor.

6.     Enter the following code under the calculate button:

‘display amount of francs as a value * rate

label converted = val(textbox*5.7345


‘places the cursor in the dollar textbox

textbox dollars.setfocus

7.     Allow the other button to clear the textbox.

8.     Design it with titles, images, icons, etc. to make it user friendly.

9.     Save as francs
