Character Bullet

  1. Highlight the lines

  2. Click “Format” on the Menu bar OR right click and select “Bullets and numbering”

  3. Select “Bullets and numbering”

  4. Click once on any style on the first tab

  5. Then select “Customize” in the lower right corner

  6. At the top of the customize window, select “Character”

  7. Change the font (upper left corner) to Webdings or Wingdings, etc. to look at the different characters available

  8.  Select a character

  9. Click “OK” until you get back to the list to see the character applied


Picture Bullet

1.      Highlight the lines

2.      Go to the “Bullets and numbering” screen

3.      Choose any style on the first tab

4.      Select “Customize”

5.      Select “Picture”

6.      Search for a topic

7.      Click on any result

8.      Click “OK” back to the list