Newsletter:  A Day in the Life

  Create a newsletter describing a day in your life at school.

1.      Use the ENTIRE page for the newsletter.  The newsletter will be 1 page in length.

2.     Margins:  .75 for all (left, right, top, bottom)

3.     Create a nameplate/masthead.  The height of the nameplate is not more than 1.5".  Included in the nameplate:  your name, class period, version 1.

4.     The number of columns in your newsletter must be 2.

5.     Include the class name as the heading for each story.  Each heading must be formatted the same.

6.     Write individual stories for each class you take.  Lunch is not a class.  You do not have to write the stories in the order of the day.  Use complete sentences and grammar.  THIS WILL BE EVALUATED!!!!!  Use the same text style for every story.  The font size can be no larger than 14. Do NOT indent or tab your paragraphs (use spacing to separate your class stories) Keep text left aligned.

**The stories that you write must be about your classes.  Write about what you do in your class.  Don't write about not liking the class or if you don't like the teacher.  Write about what you study in the class.  You will need at least 4+ sentences for each story that you write.

7.     Include pictures for each story in your newsletter.  Pictures must be appropriate for the story.  No larger than 1" and must have text wrapped around.  Do NOT place an image that splits a paragraph in half.

8.     A border must be somewhere on the page:  page border, column, or paragraph.

9.  Change the font style (no default Calibri)

10. Your newsletter title will say My Day (you will change this for the next version)


Should fit on one page

Dead words:  words you cannot use when writing

  • nothing

  • cuz

  • it (it's)

  • sort of

  • stuff

  • a lot

  • thing (things)

  • boring

  • sucks

  • dumb

  • stupid

  • lots

  • but

  • kind of

  • ok

  • 'cause

  • bunch

  • hate


Formatting to keep in mind:

  1. Tops of the columns begin on the same line
  2. If a paragraph splits between the two columns, make sure more than one line of text is separate (for example: the bottom of column one has all the text but one should get that one line with the rest of the paragraph)

Turn it in (on Tuesday)

  1. Print Version 1 to the 4200
  2. Put it in the red tray.  Do NOT leave on the printer!


Version 2

SAVE AS Version 2 (you will now have 2 different files for the newsletter)

Modify columns to 3

Must Justify Text (not sub headings)

Modify sub headings to creative title (no class names)...For example: "Tooting My Flute" would be used for band.

Modify the wordart title from My Day to a creative title

First line indent set to 1/4" (not a tab of .5)

Use a picture for ONLY 3 of the classes (delete any extra)

Create a "Smart Art" shape that contains your class schedule and teacher name.  Include a heading "My Class Schedule".  You can pick from the following shapes:  list, cycle, pyramid.  Make sure the shape fits your needs.  Include all 8 periods IN ORDER of the day.    Change the color of your smart art shape.  Size it so that it is no larger than 4x4.

        My Class Schedule

Should fit on 1 page

Modify the version # to be 2

SAVE AS version 2

Modify any corrections from the graded Version 1

Print Version 2 to 4200

Staple new version on top of Version 1


SAVE AS version 3 (you will now have 3 files of your own newsletter)

    3rd hour:  16 M and 11 F  (27)
4th hour:  14 M and 14 F  (28)
5th hour:  12 M and 16 F  (28)
7th hour:  14 M and 14 F  (28)

    Below the Computer Applications paragraph you just typed with the class breakdown, insert a 3D Clustered Column chart.  Add an appropriate chart title, horizontal axes and vertical axes labels.  Format these axes.  Apply a chart style.  Place the legend at the top or bottom.  Chart the info for each class period and the number of males/females.


Text Box: Computer Applications
There are ___ students in my ___ period class.  The chart below represents a breakdown of the students in each Computer Applications class.
Text Box: The Importance of English Class
I asked Mrs. Sittig why English is an important class to take. 

�Put the quote from the teacher here.  Put the quote from the teacher here.  Put the quote from the teacher here .�

Save as Version 3

Should fit to one page

Colors for wordart, textboxes, sub-headings, and page border (if used) should go with each other.

Print to color printer (CP4025 OR 3700)

Put in red tray
