(use IE)
- font is your choice
- 8-10 words
that describe you
- Colors: your choice
- Fonts: your choice
- Save this as: 1 MP (JPG)
- Search for a black and white image of one hobby.
(narrow your search in Google to Black and White/Clipart)
- Fill the hobby with just that one word (for example:
if we used a lynx picture, we would use the word lynx)
- Your choice of fonts and colors
- Save this as 1 MP (jpg)
Landscape a blank Word document
- Insert both saved images on the same page
- Size them so they fit without going into the margin space
(change margins to .5)
- landscape the page if necessary
- Put your name in the header
- Print to color printer (3700 or CP4025)
- Put in the red tray