Weather - using find the appropriate weather information for the cities below:
At the bottom of Column A on the spreadsheet, place the following labels and in Column B use the appropriate function:
Place name in A20
Create the charts.
Sort by Country (ascending), then by City (descending)...only sort once
Use conditional formatting for the following:
autofit your content in each column
your name is on it
it is fitting on one page
print only the Data Sheet to the 4200
put your printout in the red tray
put the Weather file into the grading folder
DELETE your web pages from the grading folder (if they have been graded)
Place an If statement in column H to say if the temp is greater than 65, then "it is warm", else "it is cold"
Sort by Country (ascending), then by City (descending)...only sort once
Use conditional formatting for the following:
Create the charts.
your name is on it
it is fitting on one page
print only the Data Sheet to the 4200
put the Weather file into the grading folder
DELETE your web pages and anything else in the grading folder