T-shirt designs using T-shirt Factory
Create at least 1 two-sided design.
Vary the sizes, don’t have them all be the size of one page.
A design will not be just a picture with nothing done to it...shape behind it, image composer, t-shirt factory, etc.
The following concepts must be used:
1. Text only (that you create)
2. Image only (Black and white OR full color)...NO WORDS!! (not even on the image)
3. Use a t-shirt factory shape (not a traditional square/rectangle) with an image...words optional
4. Use some type of effect from image composer on an image OR from Befunky/other online tool for photo editing
You will be creating a design for each of the following:
1. Concert
2. School (BVHS)
3. Athletic
4. Patriotic
5. Cartoon/Superhero
6. Hobby
7. Choice
TOTAL of 7 t-shirt designs will be turned in.
These would only be printed on WHITE t-shirts.
Portrait Margins: .20 (top, left, right) AND .30 (bottom)
Landscape Margins: .20 (top, left, bottom) AND .30 (right)
Printer: BVHS 202 5600 on BVHS 202-25
Quality = Normal
Type is = HP iron on transfer